GNAW THEIR TONGUES: Entire Hymns For The Broken, Swollen And Silent Streaming At Cvlt Nation As Record Sees Release This Week
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Hymns For The Broken, Swollen And Silent, the brand new album from The Netherlands' most prolific harsh black/experimental noise outfit, GNAW THEIR TONGUES,is now streaming in its entirety at Cvlt Nation just days ahead of its release.
Cvlt Nation's write-up accompanying the stream of Hymns For The Broken, Swollen And Silent offers,
"While dark ambient and industrial create the basis of the sound, the
outbreaks of the record move towards the further extreme sides of black
metal and noise. The noise element is able to smear the parts, provide
more character and enhance the dominance of the industrial patterns,
while the black metal essence sets them ablaze. The changes to black
metal modes is truly awe-inspiring, as Mories plunges the knife deeper
into the wound, with vehement guitar parts, blastbeats and an overall
ferocity. The extreme vocals that accompany most of these moments are
brilliant, cutthroat and with ample distortion applied, they make the
process that more realistic and palpable."
Endure GNAW THEIR TONGUES' latest atrocity RIGHT HERE.
is the work of Maurice "Mories" De Jong, also of Aderlating, Cloak Of
Altering, De Magia Veterum, among others. Just over a year since the
outfit's Abyss Of Longing Throats full-length was released, and in the wake of the project's collaboration with Dragged Into Sunlight, Hymns For The Broken, Swollen And Silent shows GNAW THEIR TONGUES
at the top of its game. The music grabs you by the throat and sucks all
the air out of the room. Although it leaves little more than an
anaerobe environment, the music itself feels likes it has been breathing
and organically growing into this true beast of an album. Fully
performed and recorded at the Bejaarde II, Drachten, by Mories who also
mixed and mastered the album, Hymns For The Broken, Swollen And Silent also features guest vocals on "Our Mouths Ridden With Worms" by Hekte Zaren.
A CD / DIGITAL version will see release December 16th through Crucial Blast, with preorders available HERE.
Invisible Oranges reports of Hymns For The Broken, Swollen And Silent,
"high-volume cacophony explodes without reason or warning, usually
accompanied by mechanical blast beats, flashing on and off in
unpredictable intervals. Waves of disorienting sampling come and go,
dotted with club-dragging beats and the harrowing integration of a
choir's howl. If you wanted to discover the underside of music, here it
is, in all of its savage and impenetrable beauty." Toilet Ov Hell's 4/5
review includes, "The record breathes, and as it does so, it sucks you
into its lungs. Therein awaits a labyrinth of sounds that should not be;
a kaleidoscopic purgatory of shifting textures and slithering
frequencies. Cinematic as the tracks may be, this is not background
listening. Your ear cannot help but wander around these unhallowed
halls; you may become entranced, you may even become lost, but tuning
out is impossible." PureGrainAudio's 8/10 review warns, "Humanity, take
note. This is the perfect soundtrack, to accompany the very worst of
unseeable video news, and documentary reports you've seen so far for
2016; including unearthed war graves and crime victim burial sites. When
the helpless feeling of numbing emptiness growing from such exposure
seems of comfort, you're ready for this album."