LEGION OF ANDROMEDA: Crucial Blast To Issue CD Version Of Iron Scorn Album From Tokyo-Based Death/Doom Duo In August

This August, Maryland-based destruction deploying label Crucial Blast will issue a CD version of the recently released Iron Scorn album by Japanese death/doom duo, LEGION OF ANDROMEDA.
Diabolical in its minimalist approach, unleashing a grinding nightmare of violent, industrial doom/death rooted in a barbaric simplicity, moving in endlessly cyclical percussive patterns, the new album from Tokyo-based LEGION OF ANDROMEDA wormed its way deep into the Crucial Blast depot upon first hearing it. The label now prepares to reissue Iron Scorn on a four-panel gatefold jacket digipak CD with a printed inner sleeve, to further the blast radius of this immense debut album, following its vinyl release on vinyl in North America by Unholy Anarchy and At War With False Noise in Europe.
Iron Scorn has a strange effect upon certain listeners; as opener “Transuranic Ejaculation” bellows across the first moments of the record, LEGION OF ANDROMEDA’s combination of primitive bone-crushing riffage and minimal, mechanical tempo seems overly simplistic, even tedious. Each song centers itself around little more than a pair of interchanging riffs that circle endlessly over a non-fluctuating mid-paced drumbeat that rarely deviates from a simple combination of metronomic crash cymbal and rumbling double bass. Keep listening, though, and the band’s seemingly atavistic heaviness begins to reveal a perversely hypnotic quality, the brutal repetition and savage cyclical flow of these seven tracks turning into surprisingly infectious blasts of ravenous, concussive doom/death. And it’s topped off with repulsively bestial vocals that frequently devolve into psychotic gibberish or rabid snarling vocalizations, all of which lend an added unhinged vibe to this rigid, skull-flattened drone-death assault.
LEGION OF ANDROMEDA has hacked out a uniquely vicious sound, and shares as much disgusting DNA with the grinding industrial metal of bands like Dead World, Skin Chamber and Streetcleaner-era Godflesh as it does with the putrescent doom/death of Autopsy, Cianide and Asphyx, brilliantly fusing the devastating down-tuned chug of the latter to the repetitive, belt-driven clangor of the former, each monstrous track churning through the black cosmos like a mechanical warbeast comprised of gnashing teeth and interlocking gears, terrifying and trance-inducing, with equal nods to the heaviest strains of industrial metal and the most primitive depths of black/death violence.
Crucial Blast will disburse Iron Scorn on CD on August 21st. The album is rupturing the planet, streaming in its entirety and available for purchase, at THIS LOCATION.

Iron Scorn Track Listing:
1. Transuranic Ejaculation
2. Cosmo Hammer
3. Overlord Of Thunder
4. Scourge Of Pestilence
5. Sociopathic Infestation
6. Aim At The Starless Sky
7. Fist Of Hammurabi
http://www.facebook.com/legionofandromedaofficial http://www.legionofandromeda.bandcamp.com http://www.twitter.com/ovandromeda http://www.crucialblast.net http://www.facebook.com/CrucialBlast http://www.crucialblast.bandcamp.com